Organic Allspice - Ground - Australian
Biodynamic Organic Ground Allspice - the highest grade premium organic allspice.
Portion size: 35g packs.
Add it to sweet dishes where you want a bit more spiciness such as gingerbread, apple pie or dark chocolate desserts. Its subtle peppery overtone adds depth to stews, curries and soups. Make jerk chicken using ground allspice, a typical Jamaican dish that reflects the spice's Caribbean origins.
Farmers: Warrakin Valley Farm in Queensland, Australia
The most important health benefits of allspice include its ability to act as a pain reliever, increase circulation, protect the gastrointestinal system, improve mood, boost the immune system, eliminate fungal infections, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation.
What is all spice? This powerful spice is actually derived from the dried fruit of the pimento tree, which is why it is commonly called Jamaica pepper, pimenta, or pimento, among other geography-specific nicknames. Native to Central America, parts of the Caribbean, and Mexico, the allspice bearing tree has the scientific name of Pimenta dioica and has gradually spread throughout the world due to its unique flavor and its healthy quality. The name allspice is because of the dried brown berries (which look like large peppercorns), smell and taste like a mixture of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. The berries are picked when they’re ripe and allowed to dry in the sun, ending up as the slightly shriveled, hard berries known as allspice. These can then be ground up into spice for culinary use, or the essential oil can be extracted.
Bio-Dynamics is an enhanced organic farming method using soil and plant enlivening natural preparations, producing clean food free of all chemicals inputs and GMO's.
The Australian Demeter Bio-dynamic farming method has being adopted all over the world as the number one Bio-dynamic farming method.
Bio-dynamic farming confirms to us the benefits of naturally grown food without the use of chemicals and synthetic stimulants producing vibrant healthy soils and in turn healthy plants, animals and healthy humans. This type of farming leaves the soil rich in humus and bursting with life. For the consumer that means wholesome nutritious food full of flavor!