
We are partnering with two Chicken farming families to bring you exclusive access to the finest and freshest chicken available in Australia & New Zealand. Both families are highly committed to farm to deliver the highest standards in animal welfare and sustainability of the farming process. A key positive about our Chicken farmers is that they Air Chill the Chickens after being processed which delivers a cleaner, crisp chicken taste, rather then the industry standard of dunking the chickens in a cold bath to reduce the temperature.

Our Hazeldene's premium Free Range Chicken is received directly from the Hazeldenes family farm in Victoria Australia. We receive it fresh each week and provenance is guaranteed with an Australian Government Health Certificate issued directly to growsFresh. For more information please visit the farm website www.hazeldenes.com.au.

Our Bostock Brothers Certified Organic Free Range Chicken is received directly from the farm in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Ben & George raised their chickens on the largest Certified Organic Orchard in New Zealand in a fully sustainable farm. The chicken has received the highest awards in New Zealand, including new awarded Sustainability of the planet recognition. The New Zealand Government Health Certificate is issued for each of our fresh air shipments, so the provenance of your products is guaranteed. For more information please visit the farm website www.bostocksorganic.co.nz