Goat Massaman Curry

Goat Massaman Curry

Feb 01, 2017Kitty Wong

Cooking Australian Goatmeat

Goatmeat may sound exotic, but it can be prepared much like lamb. It is lean and low in fat, so careful handling is needed. The cuts are very similar to lamb — leg and leg cuts, sirloin, loin, rack, shoulder and diced goatmeat may be available.

Goatmeat is particularly well suited to slow-cooking methods such as braising and stewing, and flavorful, spicy dishes.

Prep time: 15 minutes plus 1 hour marinating

Cooking time: 1 hour 45 minutes


1 ½ pounds goat meat, diced

1 onion, sliced

1 teaspoon finely grated ginger

2-3 tablespoons massaman curry paste

1 tablespoon oil

squeeze of lemon juice

1 stalk lemongrass, white part only, bruised

16 ounce can coconut milk

3/4 pound chat potatoes, halved

1 cup green beans, halved

fish sauce, to taste

lemon juice, to taste

brown sugar, to taste

2 tablespoons chopped coriander


Place the goat meat in a large bowl with the onion, ginger, curry paste, oil, lemon juice and lemongrass. Marinate for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Heat a little oil in a large frying pan. Add the meat mixture and cook until sealed, then add 3 cups water and coconut milk.

Simmer over low heat for 1 hour, then stir through the potatoes. Cook 20 minutes, add green beans and cook an additional 10 minutes.

Adjust seasoning with fish sauce, lemon juice and brown sugar. Stir through coriander and serve with jasmine rice.

Source: www.trueaussiebeefandlamb.com/recipes-usa/consumer-recipes/goat/goat-massaman-curry/

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